Eczema Wet Wrapping for Children
Eczema wet wrapping is a common moderate to severe atopic dermatitis therapy for children of all ages. A wet wrap treatment can be incredibly effective for short-term moderate to severe eczema discomfort and itch relief. Studies have shown that wet wrap therapy for moderate to severe eczema suffers improves the skin’s ability to retain water after only one session. Soothems are made from TEWLTect ® skin smart TENCEL™ fabric enhanced with Zinc Oxide to help control bacteria growth. This eczema fabric holds 50% of its weight in water without feeling wet, only slightly damp. The fabric doesn't stretch out of shape and drips like cotton wraps or other bandages. It is commonly recommended to add a second dry clothing layer over the wet wrap to help keep bedding dry and the patient in a comfortable temperature state.
WET WRAPPING STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS (Consult your dermatologist before starting a wet wrap treatment)
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